Media OutReach



Jan 25, 2024

客戶人數及保單數目分別增長逾21倍及25倍 並肩回饋社會 捐贈全自動視網膜圖像分析儀器予路德會 香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年1月25日 - 花旗銀行與友邦香港的獨家銀行保險合作協議今年踏入第十個年頭,憑藉友邦香港多項突破市場界限的產品和服務,再配合花旗銀行一站式理財服務的市場定位,攜手為客戶的健康、財富帶來全面貼心保障,並取得豐碩成果:雙方的銀保客戶人數增長逾21倍1,保單數目增長逾25倍1。為慶祝合作十周年及展現企業社會責任,花旗銀行與友邦香港共同捐贈一部全自動視網膜圖像分析儀器予香港路德會社會服務處(路德會),鼓勵大眾預早檢測認知障礙症及中風的風險,及早建立健康的生活方式。 花旗銀行與友邦香港由2014年起開展策略性合作,客戶可透過花旗銀行購買友邦香港多元化的保障產品。紮根香港逾百年,憑藉花旗銀行完善及便利客戶的平台及一站式理財服務的市場定位,加上友邦香港領導市場的人壽及健康保障和長期儲蓄成份保障方案,共同照顧客戶健康及財富的需要。 香港花旗銀行總經理江碧彤女士表示:「花旗銀行一直為客戶的理財夥伴,貼身照顧他們財富及保障各方面的需要,而保險策劃正是理財的重要一環。投資有助客戶增值財富,而人壽保險就特別照顧到客人及其家人的將來,包括下一代及再下一代的未來財政需要。透過與友邦香港的標誌性合作,於十年間陪伴客戶一同經歷人生不同階段,作好全方位的財務策劃。雙方的合作不但為花旗帶來令人鼓舞的成績,最重要是彼此的協同效應能全面照顧到客戶的財富和健康,讓他們無憂地活出更精彩的人生!」 友邦香港及澳門首席執行官馮偉昌先生表示:「今天標誌著友邦香港和花旗銀行合作的里程碑,業務上的驕人成績,正是客戶給予我們的肯定和支持。十年來憑藉雙方的優勢,我們用心服務客戶,展現『以客戶為中心』的一致理念。友邦香港會繼續為客戶創新,並與花旗銀行緊密合作,照顧客戶不斷演變的健康和財富管理需要。我們很高興更把這份關懷客戶的精神,擴展至社區,透過捐贈推動社區健康發展,鼓勵正視預防疾病的重要性,多角度幫助大眾實踐『健康長久好生活』。」 有見認知障礙症越來越受到社會關注,花旗銀行與友邦香港藉著銀保合作十周年誌慶時刻,將會共同捐贈一部價值逾港幣20萬元的全自動視網膜圖像分析儀器予路德會,為社區有需要人士於轄下基層醫療健康檢測中心提供便利的眼底分析檢測服務。這項檢測可評估認知障礙症(例如:阿茲海默症)及中風的風險,以作參考,鼓勵大眾及早建立健康的生活方式。路德會預計是次捐贈將會每年惠及3,000人,守護大眾的健康。 備註﹕ 比較2014年與2023年截至9月底之數據。 Hashtag: #花旗銀行 #友邦香港The issuer is solely responsible…

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Citibank and AIA Hong Kong celebrate a decade of bancassurance partnership

Jan 25, 2024

Customer and policy numbers see over 21-fold and 25-fold growth respectively Jointly donate ARIA test machine to Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service to drive the…

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ClinPsy Introduces “Secret Agent Society” Social Skills Group Therapy & EMDR for Children

Jan 25, 2024

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 15 February 2024 - ClinPsy is pleased to announce the expansion of its services, featuring "Secret Agent Society" social…

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LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Hong Kong Launches “New Year Surprises Quartet” – Time-Limited Delights, Infinite Upgraded Fun

Jan 25, 2024

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Hong Kong is thrilled to announce the launch of the…

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Organised by World Green Organisation and Proudly Presented by MTR Corporation – Green WALK Hong Kong 2024

Jan 25, 2024

Green WALK Hong Kong and Walking Habit Survey Results Press ConferenceSurvey Finds Changes in Travel Habits Among Hong Kong Citizens Let's Adopt a Low-carbon Lifestyle…

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HKSTP Reached out to World-class Universities in the US on Talent Nurturing and Sparked Huge Interest in Hong Kong’s I&T Ecosystem

Jan 25, 2024

Meetings with NVIDIA, Google, Linkedin to explore collaboration opportunities through HKSTP Innovation Mixer to the US West Coast HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire…

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HeeSay Gala Made a Splash in Bangkok, Opening New Chapter for LGBTQ+ Community

Jan 25, 2024

HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - HeeSay, the world's leading LGBTQ+ online community, wrapped up its annual gala in Bangkok…

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NEFIN’s Energy Storage Project in Nanjing Park of Bosch Automotive Aftersales Division Was Successfully Connected to The Grid

Jan 25, 2024

NANJING, CHINA - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - On January 23, 2024, the inauguration ceremony of NEFIN's first energy storage project in…

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HeeSay Gala Captures Public Attention in Bangkok, Opening New Chapter for LGBTQ+ Online Community

Jan 25, 2024

BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - HeeSay, the world's leading LGBTQ+ online community, wrapped up its annual gala in Bangkok…

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Trend Micro Recognized in Gartner Critical Capabilities Report for Endpoint Protection Platforms

Jan 25, 2024

Analyst’s report is a critical appraisal tool for security and risk management leadersHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 January 2024 - Trend…

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