Government Employees in Geneva, Switzerland Accused of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity in a Comprehensive Communication filed at the International Criminal Court at The Hague

News Direct

Jun 10, 2024

–News Direct–

June 10, 2024 – Geneva, Switzerland – Approaching nearly 7 years of the seizure and detainment of two young American boys by the Child Protective Services of Geneva, Switzerland, a highly- comprehensive, Formal Communication citing specific Acts of Genocide and specifics Acts of Crimes Against Humanity, has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions, with the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) at the International Criminal Court at The Hague (ICC). A, “Communication” to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is the legal equivalent of a Criminal Complaint.

Switzerland is a State Party to The Rome Statute, the Statute upon which the International Criminal Court was founded and by which it functions. Neal David Sutz, the author of the Communication to the ICC, notes that his Communication does not name any Swiss Federal Government Bodies, nor Swiss Federal Government individuals, other than one former Swiss Federal employee, as Perpetrators in his Communication to the ICC.

Neal David Sutz, an American-born-and-raised, dual-citizen (via his Swiss birth mother) had taken refuge in what he believed was the, “Safe Haven of Geneva, Switzerland” in June of 2017, in a mutual agreement between him and his now-deceased ex wife, as a means to attempt to protect their two young sons from the birth family of the sons’ mother. This refuge was taken after the sons’ parents had discovered, in Arizona in 2017, on the smartphone of the biological mother of sons’ mother, a child sexual exploitation video of the stepfather of the sons’ mother molesting the parents’ then 9-year old, special needs nephew in a hotel bathtub in southern Arizona, a video which was filmed by the biological grandmother of the two minor victims named in the Communication to the ICC.

The retaliation in Arizona in 2017 against the sons’ parents for having surrendered the video to the Arizona Authorities, despite Mr. Sutz having been a holder of Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance with the Arizona Department of Public Safety, specifically the retaliation by the birth family of the mother, was so rapid, severe, diverse and threatening that the two parents took their two sons and, with minimal items in their possession, literally fled Arizona and to find what the two parents prayed would have been safe haven for their little family of four in Geneva, Switzerland.

The entire nightmare of the unjustified seizure and abusive detainment in Geneva, Switzerland of Mr. Sutz’s two sons began as a direct result of a single, defamatory letter written by the birth family of Mr. Sutz’s deceased ex-wife, a letter which was addressed to Interpol, then one to the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, then transferred to the Geneva Police and then to the Geneva Child Protective Services.

After ceaseless, years-long legal efforts within the Geneva and Swiss Federal Judicial System to have his two sons returned to him, the tragic death of the sons’ mother in December of 2021 in Arizona, the initial defamation by and ongoing interference in the case in Geneva by the birth family of the now-deceased mother, this simple, “child protection case,” has now turned into an international scandal.

Additionally, certain Parties’ to the case ongoing collusion with, as well as the original defamation against the father from the now-deceased mother’s birth family, ongoing to this present day, with Neal David Sutz having reached as high as the Supreme Court of Switzerland in his persistent attempts to have his two sons returned to him, as well as Mr. Sutz having fulfilled all the obligations and qualifications to merit his sons’ return to him, he further states, “No matter what I did to collaborate with the Geneva child, “protection” system, no matter how many lawyers proved my innocence regarding the absurd, false accusations against me and no matter how psychiatrists, after seeing five of them for many hundreds of hours of appointments since 2017, all of those psychiatrists having testified to the Geneva Family Court and the Geneva Child Protective Services, that I have no psychiatric problems and am no manner a possible danger to my two sons, no efforts made by me, nor those made on my behalf by numerous of my attorneys, moved the Judicial System towards my only goal which was and still remains the immediate and unconditional return to me of my two sons. All that occurred, and all that continues to occur, was and remains a massive, corrupt, collusion-based retaliation against me, first for having turned in the child sexual exploitation video of my nephew to the Arizona Authorities for whom I worked, and, after all these years of my sons’ detainment in Geneva, further retaliation for my being, ‘too litigious,’ as well as the ceaseless, baseless, defamatory accusations within the Geneva Child Protective Services Network of my being, ‘crazy,’ ‘paranoid,’ ‘dangerous’ and, ‘an unfit parent.’”

Sutz continued, “In the course of the nearly 7-year, unjustified and abusive detainment of my sons and their forcible transfer to Geneva State Custody, my sweet boys, my oldest son being autistic, have been abused in the most sickening manners possibly, exploited in the most horrid manners, sexually assaulted, drugged, neglected, psychiatrically and psychologically experimented on, used as political pawns, diversely mistreated and, at this point, so horrifically and violently alienated from me that I had no choice at this point other than to take this matter to this international judicial level, an act which is sure to gather the eyes, ears and interest of the worldwide media.”

Sutz further said, “It has gotten to the point that I no longer have any contact whatsoever with my two sons at this point and that even their clothes and birthday gifts which I have sent to them since my departure have been seized by the group home and by the Child Protective Services in Geneva, nor do I have any knowledge of their daily lives, with both of my sons perpetually receiving false information about me currently and why I was forced to leave Geneva last August, hence being wrongly and abusively brainwashed into believing that I actually abandoned them.”

“In Geneva,” Sutz said, “when the word got out about horrors that were happening to children in Bibbiano, Italy, in 2019, and the unspeakable, violent acts of collusion between the social workers, workers at the foyer and other parties in that city, acts which were beyond the realm of reality for the average person to even imagine could exist, unspeakable acts which happened against many children there, as well as unlawful and anti-humanitarian acts happening to their families, every sector of the Geneva Child Protective Service system only said that things like, “That kind of thing only happens in Italy because they are uncivilized and uneducated in that country. Here in Geneva, our child protective system is made up of only highly-qualified professionals. We only place a limited number children in group homes and only those children who absolutely need to be taken from highly-unstable or highly-dangerous parents and when we do place children in group homes, or when we adopt children out to foster families, those placements and those adoptions are always fully justified and the implicated children are always treated with kindness, deeply cared for and never abused, neglected or mistreated in any manner whatsoever– and there is always due process for the parents of those children. Everything in Geneva, they say, is done legally and in the best interest of every child.”

Regarding that general response from the child protective authorities in Geneva to the horrors of Bibbiano, what was called, “Angels and Demons,” Sutz stated, “In Geneva, the overall mentality is one where the Geneva child protective system says they have never done anything wrong and that they are currently doing nothing wrong. They say never unjustifiably seize and place children in group homes nor ever adopt children out to foster families unless there is absolutely no other realistic possibility in the child’s or children’s true best interest. They say they never hurt children. Nearly all those who work in the child protection system say that they truly care for the children on all levels of their beings. And, most commonly, the employees of the Geneva child protective system, whether social workers, group home Educators, court-appointed child lawyers and even judges, perpetually, yet falsely claim to be working, ‘in the best interest’ of the children.”

Sutz continued, “False, arrogant and reality-denying words like that are all too commonplace in Geneva. As the facts and evidence in my Communication to the ICC irrefutably prove, as have the many proofs I have already put in public have proven, as well as has the evidence and countless proofs which my past attorneys in Geneva have submitted to the courts there, Geneva does nothing but point fingers at everyone else, including and very commonly, against Italy, for the crimes which the Geneva system themselves have been committing and are still systematically committing against children and against their parents in Geneva.”

Sutz adamantly stated, “They constantly deny that the child protective authorities and their network in Geneva could ever be guilty, in any manner whatsoever, of abusing any child or of denying the inherent rights of even a single child or of ever unjustifiably taking a child from their families. They claim, as countless responses to me and my former lawyers from the Geneva Family Court and the group home where my children are abusively placed have clearly stated, that, ‘It is inadmissible to accuse any employees of the Foyer Pierre-Grise (et al) of such acts as…’ etc. In a broader sense, they habitually project their own abusive and criminal acts upon innocent, capable and loving parents.”

Sutz continued, “When one looks objectively and honestly at the facts, those being the honest, positive, loud and extremely public actions to demand justice for the crimes committed in Bibbiano, Italy, specifically when one listens to and reads the words of current Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, when she said, 'We were first to arrive. We will be the last to leave!’ as well as when she said, ‘Never another Bibbiano!’, one can clearly see a country and a Leader of a country who saw what was happening in Bibbiano and said, Enough is Enough!”

Sutz further stated, “The nightmare of what happened in Bibbiano was, unquestionably, an equivalent level of abuse and systematic corruption occurring which has been and is still now occurring at Foyer Pierre-Grise in Geneva, Switzerland, with only mild variances in the kinds of abuses being committed against the respective children and their families. The corruption, collusion and abuse has been irrefutably proven, furthermore, as being systematic and widespread throughout the Geneva Child Protective system for many years now, without any hope of any improvement in the future.”

Sutz continued, “So, from a National and Political level, if one objectively and honestly looks at the very emotional, very adamant and very public manner in which two of Italy’s major political leaders, among many others, denounced the horrors that happened in Bibbiano, there is something very positive to be said about how Italy handled that situation and how the leadership of Italy admitted the reality of the proven facts there. In addition to the strong denunciations and assurances of future cessation of such horrors ever again happening in Italy, those specifically from the current Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and the current Vice-President of the Council of Ministers in Italy, Matteo Salvini, who himself adamantly stated, “I will give my life to bring these children home.”, one can clearly see a respectable, honorable, justice-demanding leadership in that country, one which Geneva, Switzerland should neither criticize, nor point fingers at, nor disrespect in any manner whatsoever, but one which Geneva should use as the prime example to immediately reform their own, corrupt and broken system.”

Sutz continued, “So sadly, though, in Geneva, the crimes that are happening against children and their parents who have had their children unlawfully taken from them and abusively placed in group homes like Foyer Pierre-Grise, the vast majority of the State and State-mandated employees, judges, lawyers and social workers in the Geneva child protective system are all very aware of the horrors that are happening to the children, as well as of the massive lack of due process which the parents are permitted in the Geneva Family Court, not to mention the fact that most of the children taken are, in some manner or another, abused, mistreated, neglected and or severely alienated from their families of origin, with very few of those children ever being returned to their families. Most of those who do not play a direct role in committing the various child abuses and/or the covering up of those abuses are nothing more than complicit in their silence and only interested in keeping their jobs and their salaries and have no real interest in helping children nor in helping unjustifiably- placed children be returned to their families. In Geneva, it is pure business and a very disgusting business at that.”

Sutz continuing, said, “In addition to the physical abuses, other criminal exploitations and severe negligences committed against my two boys, the course of their forcible transfer to and their unjustified detainment by The Canton and Republic of Geneva has had their Bible, their crucifix necklaces, their photos of Jesus, their clothes, their toys, their bedsheets, their stuffed animals, their photo albums, their children's’ books about Faith, God and Christianity, as well as so much more of what belonged to my two, dear sons, all seized from them by the Educators of the group home and the Child Protective Services, not to mention my sons’ right to mourn the death of their mother, to pray with their father, to speak and maintain their native language of American English but also the two victims’ rights to maintain any real memory of their native, American culture.”

Sutz added, “It got to the point in Geneva, with my having been detained, questioned and searched by over 80 separate Police Officers, border guards, two times in front of my former villa which was only 200 meters from the foyer where my sons are being detained, and even twice having been held and questioned while traveling in France, that the unjustified and constant harassment against me, in combination with the various threats and unjustified legal actions taken against me by the State of Geneva for speaking out to save my sons and, in particular, the sad reality that I knew I would never recover my sons if I had stayed in Switzerland, all combined, are what ended up bring the impetus for me to have left Switzerland to fight from abroad. I even told my two sons, in the weeks that preceded my departure, that Daddy might need to leave Switzerland for a little while to save them and get them home. However, after nine months since my departure, no advancement towards having them returned to me and massive amounts of documented, systematic brainwashing by the Geneva Child Protective system, particularly by the Educators at the foyer where my sons are detained, the mental and emotional states of my two sons are surely those in which they actually at this point believe that Daddy did, contrary to all the truth, abandon them.”

Mr. Sutz further stated: “As my sons’ only living parent, all requests made by me and those made by numerous third parties to the investigating and prosecuting authorities in Geneva over the nearly 7 years of abusive and unjustified detention of my two sons, have literally either disappeared from the archives of investigations and legal proceedings in Geneva, or have been systematically ignored. Because of this, I was forced, in the most difficult decision of my life, to leave Switzerland last August and publicly expose what had happened and is still happening to my sons and precisely who is involved. I had hoped that these public efforts, via social media and via a small mainstream television network in the United States, would have been the means to force the authorities in Geneva to immediately and unconditionally return my sons to me. I even implored, in writing and by telephone, through the Geneva Cantonal Mediator's Office, directly to the parties involved and decision-makers in my amily's case, to collaborate and negotiate a peaceful, legal and confidential resolution. of this entire affair, but even that effort was summarily refused by those who are detaining, abusing, and/or covering up and colluding in the various abuses against my two sons.”

Sutz continued, “What has ended up happening since my departure is only a severe worsening of the situation. The Geneva System’s abuse of my sons forced me to become a whistleblower, but not of my own volition. I simply had no other choice other than to do what I have done and now that I have filed the first ever Communication for acts of Genocide and acts of Crimes Against Humanity against Parties and Institutions in Geneva, Switzerland, at the ICC, literally the Court of last hope, I can only imagine what Geneva’s level of corrupt, anti-humanitarian reaction and retaliation will be. Either my sons will finally be immediately and unconditionally returned to me or The Canton and Republic of Geneva will augment their vengeance against our family to the point of our total destruction.”

Since Mr. Sutz’s leaving Switzerland and becoming a whistleblower against the Child Protective System in Geneva, his, “whistleblowing acts” have resulted, within the Geneva Judicial System, of him being the Defendant in one civil lawsuit, at least one additional criminal denunciation and a massive criminal complaint against Mr. Sutz at the Geneva Attorney General’s Office for defamation, calumny and incitation of hatred, citing, charges of “homophobia” against Mr. Sutz. This Criminal Complaint to the Geneva Attorney General, one which was filed by the primary Perpetrator of the abuses being committed against his two sons at the group home where they are both detained, happens to have been filed by a homosexual male.

In response to this Criminal Complaint against him, Mr. Sutz had only this to say, “The fact that the man who has so horrifically abused, mistreated, neglected and alienated my sons for so many years at the group home, let alone routinely defamed me, is a homosexual male, has nothing to do with why I accused him, with extensive evidence put in public, of abusing my two sons. In other words, he could have been a heterosexual, a bisexual, a transexual or a person of any other sexuality and I still would have accused him of those crimes. So, facts being what they are, this man’s sexuality has nothing to do with the irrefutable, documented evidence of abuse which I have already publicly exposed him for committing and for which he is named as one of the Perpetrators in my Communication the ICC. But, as it most often goes in Geneva, especially with this particular man, a man who is an unimaginably powerful political lobbyist, instead of the Prosecutorial Authorities investigating the evidence of the crimes committed by this man, and the crimes committed by other implicated parties against my two sons, this man, as well as those supporting him and unlawfully covering for him, has the audacity to claim that my exposing him for the horrific abuses he has committed against my sons is actually an act of homophobia and is now seeking not only monetary penalties against me, but also for me to be placed prison. Furthermore, when one reviews the entirety of his Criminal Complaint against me, or even his civil lawsuit against him, it is even more shocking to see that he is actually using, as Exhibits in his own civil and criminal cases against me, written words, photos and videos which actually prove his own guilt for the crimes of abuse for which I have publicly exposed him for committing against my two sons.”

Mr. Sutz continued, “In my Communication to the ICC, a massive, legal project which took me more than five months to research, write, organize and submit to the ICC, a comprehensive Communication which is comprised of a highly-structured, 21-page Cover Letter, 13 Folders containing detailed, indexed, graphic, irrefutable evidence, as well as a comprehensive, multi-media Evidence Folder, I believe I have accurately and completely fulfilled all of the ICC’s legal requirements for Admissibility and Jurisdiction. What happened and is still happening to my two sons is the most extreme, corrupt case of its kind in Geneva.”

Further stating, “However, additionally and directly pertinent to my Communication to the ICC, the systematic and widespread character, methodology and implementation of the acts of Genocide and the acts of Crimes Against Humanity cited in my Communication to the ICC, as related to my two sons, are, without question, simultaneously happening to many, many other children in The Canton and Republic of Geneva, Switzerland. Anyone who reads my Communication to the ICC, even without reviewing the entirety of the 13 Evidence Folders and the Multi-Media Evidence Folder, will very rapidly see that what I have turned in to the International Criminal Court could never be considered the work of a “crazy, incapable or paranoid individual.” My meaning in life is very simple and straight-forward – Saving my two sons and assuring they are immediately and unconditionally returned to my protective, loving, safe and providing care. For those who do not understand why a father would go to the lengths I have to save his children, I can only say that every human being has the right to feel and believe as they wish and that I am sad for those who neither know nor have their own purpose in life for which they are willing to go to the furthest of lengths to assure fruition.”

Sutz continued, “People may think that, ‘Acts of Genocide and Acts of Crimes Against Humanity’ only happen in ‘Third World Countries,’ but the facts of this case and the shocking Evidence contained within my Communication to the ICC all prove that even in the ‘Modern World,’ even in Geneva, Switzerland, commonly known as the, “World Capital of Human Rights,” these kinds of anti-humanitarian crimes, by definition, can occur and actually are occurring on this very day, systematically and widespread, leaving those of us who speak out against these crimes and exposing the perpetrators of these crimes, being systematically targeted and often criminally charged or even imprisoned for doing nothing more than telling and showing the truth.”

As cited by on July 26, 2021, “Since the adoption of the Swiss Federal Act on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism (PMCT) by popular vote on June 13.”, Dr. Nils Melzer, the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as well as the current Director of International Law, Policy & Humanitarian Diplomacy at the International Committee of The Red Cross, and an Affiliate Professor of Human Rights at the University of Glasgow, as well as the Author of, “The Trial of Julian Assange,” stated, when asked what he thought of the Swiss Federal Act on PMCT, a law that contains within it the word, “Terrorism,” had this to say, ‘Switzerland (now) has a definition that is broader and vaguer than any other democratic nation. We are setting a terrible example.’”

Mr. Sutz further said, “Aside from the initial, unwarranted seizure and first forcible transfer of my sons on July 25, 2017, and the subsequent, diverse forms of abuse to which they are victims, the inadmissible perpetuity of the Geneva Investigative and Prosecutorial Authorities to have systematically refused to investigate the numerous, comprehensively-documented, third-party- reported abuses against my sons, as well as to have buried multiple demands for investigations, criminal complaints and criminal denunciations, filed both by me and by some of my former attorneys, the baseless, ongoing, defamatory accusations against me and the continued, harmful, abusive and alienating detainment of my two sons, there is another sordid, parallel and directly- related, anti-humanitarian and frightening circumstance occurring.”

Sutz continued, “This additional, ‘circumstance,’ which goes to prove the, ‘rare and corrupt character,’ to say the least, of the continued, unjustified and abusive detainment of my two sons, ‘the two American boys,’ is the fact that numerous children, parents, State employees, journalists and even lawyers in Geneva have been threatened, reprimanded and even retaliated against for supporting me, privately and or publicly, in my ceaseless efforts to have my two sons returned to me for all of these years in which they have completely lost their innocence. People in Geneva are scared to speak out, whether it is to protect themselves, their loved ones, their friends, even their legal clients or people they read about or hear about, especially children and their families whose children are detained by the Geneva Child Protective Services, officially known as the SPMi. What I have done in presenting my Communication to the International Criminal Court is, quite evidently, on behalf of the two victims named therein, those being my two sons, but also being done to bring to light the horrors that many other child victims who are also unlawfully and abusively placed in group homes in The Canton and Republic of Geneva are living on a daily basis, as well as to show my undying unity with and complete support for other innocent, stable and capable parents, families and loved ones who, if they did what I am doing while they are currently living in Geneva, would surely be unjustifiably accused, condemned, put in prison or inexcusably locked up in a psychiatric hospital and medicated into total silence while under the control of The State of Geneva.”

Mr. Sutz further stated that if the unlawful and abusive detainment of his two sons is not brought to a very rapid end, meaning the immediate and unconditional return to him of his two sons, with Sutz citing the end of this coming school year as the final possible date, his two sons unquestionably risk another forcible transfer and/or forcible transfers and possible separation from one another.

Sutz concluded by saying that, as of today’s date, all the Parties to his family’s case in Geneva are, in his words, “radio silent, non-responsive to all of my communications and planning God only knows what at this point regarding what they will be soon be doing with my sons in the coming weeks, nor how Geneva will choose to unlawfully retaliate against me personally for having taken this legal action at the ICC.”

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--News Direct--June 10, 2024 – Geneva, Switzerland - Approaching nearly 7 years of the seizure and detainment of two young American boys by the Child…

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