LTC4 – Look what we’ve become – 10 years on!
Legal Newswire
Feb 23, 2021
In 2020 we wanted to expand our network beyond our LTC4 licensees to include past LTC4 members and to anyone involved in legal technology training across the world, so we formed the Global Digital Learning Network (GLDN).
The release of our 2020 core competencies gave us an opportunity to change the look of our certificates, design digital badges and streamline certification.
In 2021, our 10th Anniversary year, we are building on these strong foundations and creating opportunities for anyone involved in delivering digital learning in the legal industry to share ideas; to collaborate; to discuss issues and find solutions.
LTC4 remains the ONLY industry standard legal technology certification program, powered by and for the legal industry.
- Our logo has changed
- Our website has been updated
- Our Certificates have been updated
- Our Digital Badges are ready
- Our Global Digital Learning Network (GLDN) includes everyone!
- Our GDLN will have a roundtable soon – register online at
- Our website is brand new, with more resources like our Trainer Talks
- Our network is growing steadily, with lots more news coming in 2021
- Our partners are there to help and advise too – ILTA, Document Excellence Group, Learning & Performance Institute, CLOC and many regional groups
We believe that promoting digital learning is more essential than ever as we work towards a future where all legal professionals can use technology efficiently and can prove it.