OD6 Metals awaits metwork results for ‘Australia’s best’ clay-hosted rare earths project

News Direct

Oct 31, 2023

–News Direct–

OD6 Metals Ltd (ASX:OD6) MD Brett Hazelden gives Proactive a recap on the company’s September quarter highlights and its recent phase 3 drilling. This included a maiden inferred mineral resource estimate of 344 million tonnes at 1,308ppm total rare earth oxides (TREO) for its Splinter Rock rare earth project, which is emerging as one of the largest and highest-grade clay-hosted rare earth resources in Australia. OD6 recently released “outstanding” results with grades up to 4,159 ppm TREO from phase 3 drilling with further assays and metallurgical results due in November.

Hazelden said, “I’m pleased to report on what has been another exciting quarter of exploration and project advancement, culminating in the declaration of a large, high-grade maiden MRE at Splinter Rock. This immediately put us on the map with our Splinter Rock Project emerging as one of the largest and highest-grade clay-hosted rare earth resources in Australia. Our exploration team completed Phase 3 drilling, with a total of 145 total holes drilled for 7,435m. Initial results returned fantastic outcomes, with observed grades in combination with clay length and thickness significantly expanding Prop’s potential. We continue to prudently manage exploration spend, with our treasury position remain strong which is anticipated to be further bolstered by a large R&D tax rebate during the current quarter. The OD6 team is excited for the next phase of project advancement where we delve into the pending results from the ANSTO mineralogy and metallurgical test work.”

Contact Details

Proactive Investors

Jonathan Jackson

+61 413 713 744


View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/od6-metals-awaits-metwork-results-for-australias-best-clay-hosted-rare-earths-project-239012168


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--News Direct--OD6 Metals Ltd (ASX:OD6) MD Brett Hazelden gives Proactive a recap on the company’s September quarter highlights and its recent phase 3 drilling. This…

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