Monero (XMR) and InQubeta (QUBE) See an Increase in Demand. Crypto Ruble gets first test

News Direct

Aug 22, 2023

–News Direct–

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are rising, and Russia's Central Bank has joined the trend. The institution began its pursuit to integrate its CBDC into the payment system to improve financial transactions. In recent developments, Russia's Central Bank has started real-world preliminary tests on banks. This collaboration is a good sign for the crypto industry's entry into real-world commerce. In addition, InQubeta (QUBE) and Monero (XMR) are two assets whose unique offerings hold strong to fuel the market's growth.

InQubeta is an AI-based cryptocurrency that introduces a mix of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to raise capital for AI startups. The project's presale has garnered substantial attention from investors looking for the best DeFi crypto to invest in. Monero is a project that leverages blockchain technology to enhance privacy and anonymity for user transactions.

This article discusses why InQubeta's presale and Monero hold firm in light of Russia's crypto ruble tests.

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InQubeta's (QUBE) Unique Tokenomics Is Revolutionizing AI Investment

Cryptocurrency adoption has become more mainstream, with investors flocking into the space. InQubeta is one of the best coins to invest in because it's not just gaining momentum; it's also climbing the ranks as the most reliable AI investment platform. The QUBE presale holds strong as it witnesses widespread adoption by savvy investors who have seen its potential. The presale is currently in stage 3, with the QUBE DeFi token price at $0.0112.

The ongoing presale has seen more than 280 million tokens sold. With over $2.2 million raised in funding, this DeFi token has cemented itself in the good books of crypto enthusiasts. Institutional investors and organizations looking for promising long-term projects can look to InQubeta's innovative features to consistently deliver.

InQubeta enables fractional investment in AI startups to remedy the limitations of traditional investment systems. The fractional investment mechanism allows prospects to contribute to promising projects in a budget-friendly manner. The investments made are minted into NFTs and sold on QUBE's popular NFT marketplace.

The marketplace is where startups raise funds and offer rewards to investors. Traders who want to partake in the advancement of these innovative enterprises can select from a variety of unique NFTs on the market. In return for supporting their projects, AI startups can offer these investors rewards. InQubeta's popular NFT marketplace fosters a mutually beneficial relationship for startups and prospects.

QUBE's deflationary nature maintains its value with a 2% tax on all purchases going to a burn wallet. This system benefits investors' portfolios as it retains its value over a long period. Staking QUBE tokens is also an excellent way for investors to receive incentives, with a 5% sales tax added to the platform's reward pool. InQubeta is one of the best coins to invest in owing to its futuristic approach toward AI advancement globally.

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Monero (XMR) Is Leading The Growth Of User Anonymity And Privacy

Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency designed to improve user independence and anonymity. Monero runs with the vision of providing equal opportunities for investors. With its native token, XMR, holders can mine the token without needing special hardware.

XMR runs on an opaque blockchain that disguises the transaction details and the addresses members use. Trading in the project is also affordable, as its users don't need to pay transaction fees. Monero holds strong against other tokens in the space due to its strict focus on security, and institutional investors who want to shield their information can opt for XRM.


Russia's Central Bank's strategic move to infuse digital currencies proves the growth and viability of the crypto space in the global industry. By leveraging digital assets, the institution hopes to ensure that clients' transaction paths are smooth and convenient. InQubeta and Monero are assets whose real-world applicability turns the tides in their favor.

InQubeta is the best DeFi crypto to leverage for investors who want a stake in the advancement of AI. The project's ongoing presale and the proposed roadmap's success speak volumes about its growth potential. The QUBE presale is still in its early stages, and investors shouldn't miss out on this opportunity and gain the benefits of being early backers. Take advantage of InQubeta's presale!

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--News Direct--Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are rising, and Russia's Central Bank has joined the trend. The institution began its pursuit to integrate its CBDC…

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--News Direct--Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are rising, and Russia's Central Bank has joined the trend. The institution began its pursuit to integrate its CBDC…

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--News Direct--Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are rising, and Russia's Central Bank has joined the trend. The institution began its pursuit to integrate its CBDC…

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