QA-Testing (Nexis Newswire feed test) 11/07/2022
Nexis Newswire
Nov 06, 2022
Chicago, USA: RudiCoder LLC, ein E-Commerce-Logistikunternehmen mit Sitz in Chicago, kündigt den Start von PriorNotify an. Mit dieser E-Commerce-Anwendung wird das Zulassungsverfahren für den Verkauf und Versand von internationalen Lebensmitteln und Getränken an US-Kunden automatisiert.
Alle Anbieter, die internationale Lebensmittel- und Getränkeprodukte an Kunden in den USA verkaufen oder versenden, wissen, wie schwierig und zeitaufwändig die US-Zulassungsverfahren sein können. Mit unserer PriorNotify-Anwendung werden diese Verfahren in Sekundenschnelle abgeschlossen“, so Holly Urban, CEO und Mitbegründerin von RudiCoder.
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PriorNotify wurde für Lebensmittel- und Getränkehersteller sowie für Händler, Lieferanten – und Versanddienstleister entwickelt. Internationale Firmen können nun problemlos Lebensmittelprodukte an Einzelhändler, Lieferanten und Verbraucher in den USA verkaufen und versenden.
- PriorNotify bietet eine nahtlose Integration in Shopify, WordPress (WooCommerce), Magento, PrestaShop und WiX, damit das Zulassungsverfahren sofort beim Kauf eines Produkts automatisch abgeschlossen wird.
- Sed lectus. In ut quam vitae odio lacinia tincidunt. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Sed libero.
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- Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Integer tincidunt. Vivamus laoreet. Ut tincidunt tincidunt erat. Fusce neque
- Phasellus blandit leo ut odio. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis ligula, eget egestas libero turpis vel mi. Morbi mattis ullamcorper velit. Phasellus a est.
Die Anwendung funktioniert problemlos mit jedem Bestellverwaltungssystem sowie mit Online-Marktplätzen wie Amazon. Ohne direkte Integration können Kundenbestelldaten einfach hochgeladen werden, sodass Verkäufer mit hohem Auftragsvolumen schnell und effizient arbeiten können.
Aroon Karuna is a Partner and Patent Attorney at Cognition IP.
Drawing on 15+ years of patent experience, Aroon crafts IP strategies and builds patent portfolios for tech companies in Artificial Intelligence – AI, Machine Learning – ML, Advanced Software, Internet of Things – IoT, Consumer Electronics, Content Delivery Networks – CDN, Healthcare, Fintech, Blockchain & Cryptography, Risk & Cyber Security, Medical Device, Computer Vision, Robotics. Autonomous Vehicles – AVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – UAVs, Augmented Reality – AR, Virtual Reality – VR, and Mixed Reality – MR.
Aroon’s past clients have included Apple, Coinbase, and Salesforce. Prior to Cognition IP, Aroon was a patent attorney at boutique IP firms Schox and Weaver Austin Villeneuve & Sampson. He has also served as Intellectual Property Counsel at GE Healthcare and Wolfram Research.
Edward Steakley is Managing Partner and a Patent Attorney at Cognition IP.
Edward draws upon 20+ years of intellectual property experience, having served as Senior in house counsel for two Fortune 5 companies – Apple and ConocoPhillips, Head of IP for a startup, and as a Senior Associate for a firm now on the Global 20 ranking list. His clients have included tech enterprises in Artificial Intelligence – AI, Machine Learning – ML, Advanced Software, Internet of Things – IoT, Consumer Electronics, Computer Vision, Microchip Design, Manufacturing, Medical Device, Computer Vision, Aerospace Aviation & Defense, Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles – AVs and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – UAVs.
Edward has extensive experience building international patent and trademark portfolios, creating IP strategies, M&A transactions and due diligence, inbound/outbound technology and software licensing, open source usage, and in implementing internal company legal policies and procedures.
Cognition IP is a tech-powered San Francisco-based intellectual property law firm with partners who have represented some of the most recognizable companies in the world in many aspects of intellectual property counseling, including Apple, Hewlett Packard, Salesforce, Purdue, AstraZeneca, and Texas Instruments.
Cognition IP supports early stage startups to Fortune 500 enterprises with on-demand, flat-fee IP counsel and the results expected from a top-tier firm.
Today’s General Counsel Magazine is an award-winning publication addressing the information needs of members of legal departments, legal operations, the C-suite and risk and compliance managers. Attorneys, consultants and legal service providers work with the TGC editorial team to create articles on legal developments and practices vital to corporate readers.
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Live and On-Demand Webinars include topics: AI, Blockchain, Budgeting Cost Control, The Business of Law, Compliance, Contract Management, Data Management, Document Review, E-Discovery, Ephemeral Evidence, GDPR, CCPA, Privacy Regulations, Information Governance, Investigations, Legal Holds, Legal Operations, M&A, Predictive Coding
Contact Information
Name: Omer Farooq
Job Title: SQA-Analyst
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