A Prediction about Future Work Trends Conducted by Ecityworks: Artificial Intelligence Is The Leading Career

Press Releases

Nov 08, 2021

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — To help employees have a clear view of the potential and development opportunities of careers in the future, Ecityworks conducted a career prediction about jobs that are at risk of disappearing and occupations with high opportunities for future growth.

Jobs That Could Disappear In The Future

Retail Salesperson
Retail with staff will also gradually disappear due to the trend of automation. Look at the supermarkets 10 years ago and see how they are different from now. The number of self-checkout customers at least doubled while it has also reduced the need for cashier staff. As a result, it is estimated that the self-service kiosk industry will be worth $34 billion by 2023. Therefore, people working in retail stores would be in “danger”.

Jobs in this sector are expected to decline by 8% by 2024, and most bookkeeping has become automated. QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and Microsoft Office already offer bookkeeping software that’s much more affordable than a person’s salary, so it’s no surprise that these accounting jobs have a high probability of being eliminated in the future with 95%.

Telemarketing will gradually disappear as it can later be fully automated in the future. According to the Guardian, telemarketing with the proportion of 99% that to be fully automated within 15 years. Nearly 70% of B2B customers will go to the Internet to search for business solutions instead of waiting for a consultation call. Today, if you call a potential customer, your percentage of successful sales is less than 5%. Most will hang up.

Occupations With Great Growth Opportunities

Computer Science
In 2021, job opportunities in Computer Science are estimated to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for other occupations. Currently, the demand for this sector is up to more than 500,000 positions in many fields from manufacturing to banking, healthcare, or agriculture, but only 50,000 computer science students graduate each year.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the E-commerce sector saw a dramatic enhancement in its share of all retail sales, from 16% to 19% in 2020. The UK’s internet sales experienced a spike in 2019, from 15.8% to 23.3 %; so too did the US from 11% to 14%, and Canada from 3.6% to 6.2%. From there, it can be seen that E-commerce has been well-situated in the global economy, and E-commerce jobs will have great growth opportunities in the future.

Digital Marketing
The amount of money spent on digital advertising is estimated at $385 billion in 2020 worldwide. In some countries like China and the UK, digital advertising accounts for nearly 70% of total ad spend. In the 4.0 era, when everything becomes digitized, the purchase of products and services is also done via the Internet. Therefore, Digital Marketing was born, which is a new step to match the times and reach customers in the best way, opening up many job opportunities for Digital Marketing in the digital age.

Is Artificial Intelligence The Leading Career?

Artificial Intelligence has been widely applied in many fields in recent years. The application of this technology in personalization and customer communication, data analysis and processing, and a wide range of other applications are expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

An IDC report shows that up to three-quarters of enterprise applications could rely on AI in the next decades. According to Ecityworks predictions, there will be more than 20 million jobs in artificial intelligence by 2023, up from 4 million in 2018 by the global market. In 2021 alone, there will be about 10 million artificial intelligence jobs globally. Therefore, it can be clearly seen that the development opportunity of AI is very wide and is expected to be the leading career in the future.

“Under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, fluctuation of choosing a job is inevitable. However, if you have a sober outlook, it is not difficult to find a good and suitable job for yourself. And we’re doing our best to help you make this happen.” said Galvin Griffith, Marketing Campaign Development Manager of Ecityworks.

Ecityworks is an ideal place to solve the job seeker’s worry. With the goal of becoming a reliable tool to help job seekers have opportunities to connect with the leading companies and businesses in the USA, Ecityworks always companies the employees to support them to find the most suitable careers. Whether you are a candidate or an employer, Ecityworks can help you achieve your end purpose with the best results.

Media Contact

Galvin Griffith, Ecityworks, +1 323 744 6998, contact@ecityworks.com


SOURCE Ecityworks


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