What vitamins are the best for seniors


Nov 08, 2021

In older age, it gets difficult for us to get all the necessary nutrients from the food we consume. Therefore, we have to use other means of getting these nutrients. This is where vitamins come in. 

They play an essential part in preventing the health of senior citizens. According to a source, two out of three American citizens above the age of 65 take supplements. These vitamins are usually prescribed by doctors – as they should be. 

However, sometimes people start taking them on their own to keep themselves fit. So now different vitamins are helpful for different age groups. Also, different companies such as Vitasave sell these vitamins in the form of tablets, etc. 

We have to take caution before giving any kind of supplement to our seniors. However, here in this article, you will find out about some helpful vitamins for seniors. 

Popular vitamins that are good for seniors

In total, there are thirteen vitamins that are good for senior citizens. All of these vitamins help in overcoming one deficiency or another. Let’s take a look at the list of all these vitamins. 

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Eight B vitamins
    • B1 thiamine
    • B2 riboflavin
    • B3 niacin
    • B5 pantothenic acid
    • B6 pyridoxine 
    • B7 biotin
    • B9 folate or folic acid
    • B12 cyanocobalamin 

All these vitamins are considered extremely useful for senior citizens, and they should be given these vitamins after consulting their doctors. 

Now let’s take a look at the vitamins that are compulsory to take for almost all senior citizens. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for the bones. As we grow older, our bones start getting weaker. This is why we start facing issues while walking, sitting, etc. Other than this, weak bones can result in various other dangerous and painful diseases or issues. 

According to research, a good vitamin D level can prevent various diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, inflammation, to name a few. You can visit this url to gain more information about this topic. 

Vitamin D can be consumed using fruit juices, green vegetables, milk, egg yolks, to name a few. 

Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12, also known as cyanocobalamin, helps keep your blood cells and body nerves healthy. However, with age, it gets difficult for us to take vitamin B12 in natural ways. Therefore, we need to take it in medical forms.

Thus, we have to take supplements and vitamin B12 tablets to keep a healthy level of the vitamin in our bodies.

This vitamin can be absorbed other than tablets by consuming fish, poultry, meat, and various dairy products. 

Vitamin B6

This vitamin is called pyridoxine. It helps produce neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are essential for people of all ages. They are a way of communication between the brain and nerve cells. This ensures the proper function of metabolism and the immune system. 

Furthermore, the supplements of these vitamins also help treat various diabetes such as memory loss, arthritis, and diabetes. 

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is known as folate, and its synthetic form is known as folic acid. This vitamin is essential for people of old age. This is because it helps with memory loss in people ages over 60 years. 

Moreover, it plays a role in converting carbohydrates to energy. This is an essential process at an older age as the breakdown of carbohydrates can become difficult at old age.

To wrap it up! 

At old age, we face various health issues. This is because we are unable to absorb vitamins naturally. Vitamins are essential for our body. Thus, it is important for us to keep a steady intake of vitamins, especially in old age. 

Also, senior citizens can take multivitamins as they contain various essential vitamins that can help our bodies.


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