MicroSilicon Innovation Recognized by World Oil

Press Releases

Sep 02, 2021

HOUSTON, Sept. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — MicroSilicon’s latest generation of paramagnetic sensing combined with real-time dielectric impedance measurements has been nominated for the “New Horizons” Award at World Oil’s 2021 annual ceremony in Houston, TX. For over 20 years, World Oil has recognized and honored the upstream energy industry’s leading innovators and innovations. Each year, over 300 companies from over 20 countries make submissions. The New Horizon’s award is designed for those companies with a game-changing product, technology or idea that will redefine the industry’s thinking. The winner of the award symbolizes how the industry will operate in the future and serves as a guidepost to the next generation of leadership entering today’s upstream energy sector. MicroSilicon’s Quantum-RF Vision earned its place in this historic record of innovation thanks to its new technology that enables an operator reduce operating costs and improve production by monitoring dynamic changes of well fluid chemistry as the fluid exits the wellhead and enters surface production systems, with particular application to carbon capture and reinjection for enhanced oil recovery.

“Hyperfine is the future,” said Omar Kulbrandstad, CEO and Co-Founder of the company. “Our first-generation product, the Quantum RF, could quantify asphaltene levels but not provide details of the asphaltene structure. That has now dramatically changed with our Vision system. It provides the information operators need to make oil production carbon-neutral thanks to optimization of carbon capture and reinjection techniques.”

Operational issues traditionally related to fluid sampling have been minimized by plumbing the Quantum RF device directly into the production line, with readings continuously taken from a side stream and transmitted to the Cloud for advanced interpretation, thereby avoiding the potential environmental risk of repeated fluid extraction. The proprietary components of the monitoring system streamline the detection and quantification of oil properties as well as providing ancillary information important to chemical management. The simplified process dramatically reduces analysis time compared to traditional gravimetric techniques and makes feasible monitoring an entire field or series of wells. The Quantum-RF Vision changes the game with increased data density, better signal-to-noise and markedly improved feature detection based on machine learning and artificial-intelligence techniques.

Media Contact

John Lovell, MicroSilicon Inc, +1 8324591210, john.lovell@microsiliconinc.com


SOURCE MicroSilicon Inc


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