SEC’s Jennifer L. Waier and Sec Devon Leppink Scares 73-Year-Old Marchitto in Attempt to Close Down a Company or Be Prisoned


Aug 06, 2021

JENNIFER L. WAIER (Cal. Bar No. 209813), Assistant United States Attorney, fraudulently claimed Ronald Flynn and Richard Marchitto, a retired 73-year-old dentist, were both guilty of fraud.

Jenifer Waier, using the FBI and her government power as AUSA, had the company’s Chase Bank of New York put a negative balance in the USA bank amounting to $999,999,999,99. This was done for them to capture and steal the money already deposited by the company shareholders in the Vuuzle accounts.

Here is information about Jennifer Lynn Waier at The State Bar of California:


After the closure of the Chase Bank account, in a bid to save Vuuzle TV which is an award-winning OTT company and winners of the Verizon Brand Blazer Award, a frail and sick 73-year-old Marchitto opened a new account at Bank of America. Abruptly after opening the Bank of America Account, the account was also closed by the bank as the AUSA and the FBI reported Marchitto to ChexSystems.

Marchitto accounts were closed because of the AUSA and FBI’s fictitious narrative of fraud, which told the banks and Chexsystems that Vuuzle TV was not real, and Marchitto was operating the business from a Virtual Office in New York.

However, the truth is Vuuzle Media Corp is a real company with a global business with offices and hundreds of employees around the world.

Click to See How Vuuzle Media Corp Boldly Responded to SEC allegations:

Flynn, while being treated in the hospital with Sepsis, also wrote a press release saying he would defend the case and that they never engaged in any offering fraud as alleged by the S.E.C.

Click to See Flynn’s Statement regarding the USA SEC’s Narrative of Fraud

Flynn’s statement which claimed that the S.E.C was fraudulently making up a story in connection with DOJ and AUSA Jenifer Waier to close them down because of some vendetta against him or some other case led them to another move.

Soon after the statement, the DOJ, with no proof of fraud, issued and created another fake indictement on Flynn. This was carried out while they also attempted to terrify a sick 73 Dr. Marchitto to sign a plea agreement and get a deal of only 5 years in prison.

Click Here to See the Indictment by DOJ towards Flynn

After the Indictment by the DOJ, Jacob Frenkel, the attorney for Vuuzle TV, immediately issued a press release on about the fraudulent maneuvers by the S.E.C and the DOJ, all spearheaded by AUSA Jenifer Waier.

The article was entitled, Vuuzle Media Corp Attorney Jacob S. Frenkel, Esq. For Dickenson Wright PLLC, Makes Statement on Behalf of the Company, Issues Response to the Indictment of Company’s Founder.

Click Here to See Vuuzle.TV’s Lawyer, Concerning the Indictment Made by DOJ

Soon after, the Daily Mail UK, in cahoots, with the already fraudulent case, wrote a smear article to hurt Vuuzle and Flynn’s career as founder and promoter of the company.

The headline of the article says, “Man Charged with Boiler Room Scheme Scammed More Than 100 Investors Out of 14,000 Million While Spending 5 Million on Resorts, Jewelry, and Nightclubs.

Click Here to See the Daily Mail’s Defamatory Article Against Company Founder Ronnie Flynn

Now, the truth is beginning to be exposed!

The real story is that in fact, there was no investigation by the S.E.C! Also, the FBI, and AUSA headed by Waier, conspired together to close down Vuuzle Media Corp for some other reason, still not known by the company’s directors or Dr. Marchitto and its founder.

On July 30, 2021, a Bombshell press release was posted on

The release is full of iron-clad facts proving underhanded, contaminated fraud and corruption by the S.E.C, DOJ, and AUSA Jenifer Waier, as smeared by the Daily Mail UK.

Click Here to See the Bombshell Press Release against SEC, DOJ, and Waier

Dr. Marchitto is also represented by Jay V. Surgent from Weiner Law Group

Vuuzle Founder, Ronald Flynn raised millions to build VMC USA and was on the verge of becoming a multibillion-dollar OTT media company.

However, Because of the threats made by AUSA Waier to arrest Marchitto and Flynn, the directors opted to close the company down and pick themselves up and start a brand-new entity in OTT.

Using a new proprietary model, the new Vuuzle Media Corp Limited, located offshore in Dubai, Flynn began to search for the best law firms to help him rebuild a new and better business. After hiring the firm, his international lawyers drafted legal documents to be sent out to every shareholder who invested in Vuuzle Media Corp, asking them to support Vuuzle TV against the S.EC and the DOJ’s corruption in the case.

Since then, 98 percent of the shareholders have promised and signed by contract to take sides with Flynn and protect him against the DOJ and the SEC.

Flynn has been quiet through all of this as he has focused on building the TV studios in Dubai and opening a new company, not in America or connected with the old company Vuuzle Media USA.

The new company, also in OTT, is creating a media giant that will change the advertising system as we know it. Flynn stated that the new company was waiting for its license to become a fully licensed Fintech company.

Unfortunately, the corruption has not stopped as more unwanted phone calls keep coming to harass Vuuzle shareholders by the SEC and AUSA Waier. This case is full of lies and is a fictitious fraud case hatched up by the FBI and Waier.

The corruption by the SEC and AUSA Jenifer Waier spun up these false narratives, while The Daily Mail UK tried to smear Flynn’s good name and reputation.

Flynn, making sure that he takes care of the shareholders, has continued throughout the month of August 2021 in giving gifts of appreciation to former investors. The generous gifts are millions of personal backed ERC 20 tokens to Vuuzle shareholders, paving a way to give them a a chance to recoup their losses from the Vuuzle Media Corp as it closed its doors in America.


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