Say Goodbye to Traffic-Caused Healthcare Delivery Delays
Press Releases
Mar 18, 2025
Arrive AI successfully tested health-related deliveries in suburban Boston with Massachusetts Department of Transportation
INDIANAPOLIS, March 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Arrive AI participated in a demonstration of medical deliveries via drone that Massachusetts transportation officials (MassDOT) described as a success that underscores “the value of drones for many operational needs.”
See video of that demonstration here and read more about it here.
The demonstration with Arrive AI was conducted in Lynn, Mass. MassDOT Aeronautics already uses drones to improve transportation safety, including for infrastructure inspection and incident response, supporting MassDOT, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.
“Drones already have proven useful with operations, including, MBTA track corridor inspections, MassDOT Highway bridge inspections, overhead project evaluations, and other needs,” said Massachusetts Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt in a MassDOT news release. “We continue to assess the use of drones for other purposes in the future.”
Dan O’Toole, founder and CEO of Arrive AI said he was confident going into the demonstration that his product would prove to be a key part of improving healthcare-related deliveries.
“It was great to have the demonstration show the possibilities for speeding life-saving devices and items where it’s needed,” said Arrive CEO Dan O’Toole.
Autonomous delivery is expected to be a game-changer for the package delivery industry. For organizations like hospitals and clinics, it can provide a secure way to receive important medical products, bloodwork or other life-impacting items because the Arrive AI mailbox offers a clear chain-of-command control over the delivery chain and also a climate-controlled space for the products. Arrive AI has demonstrated its patented product in several health-care venues and anticipates working with medical facilities throughout the country.
“In an era where every second counts, Arrive AI’s innovative approach to secure drone delivery is setting new standards for healthcare logistics. By integrating advanced tracking, authentication, and secure holding solutions, we’re not just delivering packages—we’re delivering peace of mind,” O’Toole said.
About Arrive AI: Arrive AI’s patented last mile (ALM) platform enables drone-based and human mail delivery to and from a physical smart mailbox, while providing tracking data, smart logistics alerts, and advanced chain of custody controls to secure the last-mile delivery for all shippers, delivery services, and autonomous delivery networks. Arrive AI makes the exchange of goods between people, robots, and drones frictionless, efficient, and convenient through artificial intelligence, autonomous technology, and interoperability with smart devices including doorbells, lighting and security systems. Learn more details about the company’s patents here. See videos of the smart mailbox in action here.
Media contact: or 317-446-5240
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