National Advertising Division Recommends Revolve Group Modify Social Media Posts to Clearly Disclose Material Connection to Influencers


Jan 29, 2025

New York, NY – January 29, 2025 – As part of its routine monitoring program, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division inquired about the nature of the relationship between Revolve Group, Inc. and certain influencers. As a result of its inquiry, the National Advertising Division recommended Revolve modify influencer posts to clearly and conspicuously disclose the material connections between Revolve and influencers in its product gifting program.

At issue for the National Advertising Division (NAD) were Instagram posts from two influencers who tagged Revolve (@Revolve, #revolveme) but did not disclose any material connection between themselves and Revolve.

Revolve explained that it works directly with both influencers through a product gifting relationship. In exchange for receiving a clothing credit applicable towards Revolve products, the influencers agree to publish a certain number of social media posts featuring Revolve and to clearly and conspicuously disclose their relationship with Revolve.

In response to NAD’s inquiry, Revolve contacted both influencers and requested they clearly and conspicuously disclose their material connection to Revolve.

While certain Instagram posts were updated to include material connection disclosures, NAD noted that in one post, the influencer tags “@laneige_us @revolve #giftedbyrevolve” and in another only tags Revolve [@revolve] with the hashtag #giftedbyrevolve. NAD found that the disclosure (#giftedbyrevolve) runs words together and makes it difficult for consumers to understand.

In addition, certain influencer posts stated, “Wearing @revolve @loversfriendsla #sponsored.” NAD determined that tagging brands, particularly when multiple brands are tagged, does not make clear that a brand is sponsoring the post, or which brand is sponsoring the post.

NAD recommended that Revolve take steps to ensure that its influencers’ posts make clear the influencers’ material connection to the brand and noted that Revolve should consult the FTC Endorsement Guides as a resource for clear and conspicuous disclosures.

Revolve committed to increased monitoring of influencers’ posts and modified its Brand Ambassador Guidelines and Checkout Terms to ensure compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Endorsements and Testimonials Guides.

Consistent with this action, in its advertiser statement Revolve stated that it “will comply with NAD’s decision and recommendations.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

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Contact Information:

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations

CE, Nexis Newswire, English


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National Advertising Division Recommends Revolve Group Modify Social Media Posts to Clearly Disclose Material Connection to Influencers

Nexis Newswire

Jan 29, 2025

New York, NY – January 29, 2025 – As part of its routine monitoring program, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division inquired about the nature of the relationship between Revolve Group, Inc. and certain influencers. As a result of its inquiry, the National Advertising Division recommended Revolve modify influencer posts to clearly and conspicuously disclose the material connections between Revolve and influencers in its product gifting program.

At issue for the National Advertising Division (NAD) were Instagram posts from two influencers who tagged Revolve (@Revolve, #revolveme) but did not disclose any material connection between themselves and Revolve.

Revolve explained that it works directly with both influencers through a product gifting relationship. In exchange for receiving a clothing credit applicable towards Revolve products, the influencers agree to publish a certain number of social media posts featuring Revolve and to clearly and conspicuously disclose their relationship with Revolve.

In response to NAD’s inquiry, Revolve contacted both influencers and requested they clearly and conspicuously disclose their material connection to Revolve.

While certain Instagram posts were updated to include material connection disclosures, NAD noted that in one post, the influencer tags “@laneige_us @revolve #giftedbyrevolve” and in another only tags Revolve [@revolve] with the hashtag #giftedbyrevolve. NAD found that the disclosure (#giftedbyrevolve) runs words together and makes it difficult for consumers to understand.

In addition, certain influencer posts stated, “Wearing @revolve @loversfriendsla #sponsored.” NAD determined that tagging brands, particularly when multiple brands are tagged, does not make clear that a brand is sponsoring the post, or which brand is sponsoring the post.

NAD recommended that Revolve take steps to ensure that its influencers’ posts make clear the influencers’ material connection to the brand and noted that Revolve should consult the FTC Endorsement Guides as a resource for clear and conspicuous disclosures.

Revolve committed to increased monitoring of influencers’ posts and modified its Brand Ambassador Guidelines and Checkout Terms to ensure compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Endorsements and Testimonials Guides.

Consistent with this action, in its advertiser statement Revolve stated that it “will comply with NAD’s decision and recommendations.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations
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