One Month to go until Regulating the Game London!

Legal Newswire

Aug 25, 2023

Aug 25, 2023 – Regulating the Game is a unique 5-day immersive gambling law and regulation conference structured to marry expert content with rigorous discussion about regulatory policy and practice and cultivating compliance oriented, innovative and sustainable industry.

The conference is coming to London for the first time following tremendous success establishing the event over the past few years in Sydney as the leading gambling law and regulation conference in Australia.

The gambling policy landscape in the UK, much like Australia remains under intense scrutiny, and uncertainty persists regarding potential reforms and the risk of cumbersome intervention stifling the sector without improving safer gambling and compliance outcomes.

Regulatory and gambling specialist Paul Newson, said the event was one-of-a-kind worldwide and deliberately brought all stakeholders together to hear leading regulatory and industry speakers, challenge thinking, contest ideas and help build deeper understanding of the sector. It’s also about stimulating conversation and engagement with evidence led policy development that can advance efficient and effective regulation as well as foster an invigorated, innovative and sustainable sector.

“In the face of regulatory headwinds and associated public policy uncertainty, it is increasingly important for industry to maintain a persuasive voice, engage in policy discussions, contribute to regulatory discourse, build capability and nurture a workplace culture of ethical leadership and social responsibility.

Regulating the Game brings together industry leaders from across the globe to share expert content, facilitate discussion, build collaboration, encourage critical thinking, and highlight innovative ideas and technologies that uplift capability, inspire compliance, and realise efficiency and better outcomes for consumers and industry.

We have also partnered with the International Centre for Gaming Regulation, UNLV to deliver Regulating the Game London, which enables us to bring another international lens to the conference including unique knowledge and experience from Las Vegas, Nevada.

To secure you spot head to the website to register now

We are also planning for the next Sydney conference and applications for Pitch! @RTG Sydney running 10 – 15 March 2024 are now open. We are inviting applications from organisations and individuals interested in delivering short quickfire pitches to stimulate innovation, inspire compliance and showcase ethical leadership as part of this exciting networking event. To submit an application or for more information head to the website and submit your pitch now! Further information can be found at

Paul Newson is a former President and Patron of the International Association of Gaming Regulators and former Trustee of the NSW Responsible Gambling Fund. Paul was responsible for public policy and regulation of liquor, gambling and racing in NSW as Deputy Secretary in the NSW Department of Industry until mid-2019.

Regulating The Game is an immersive, 5-day gambling regulation conference structured to build individual and organisational capability, deepen sector knowledge and advanced thinking and discussion about contemporary best practice in gambling regulation. It is in its third year and attracts attendees from around the world.

Media Contact:
Paul Newson, Director Regulating the Game | +61 428 563 376


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