Best Essay Editing and Proofreading Services for College: Top 5 Websites

News Direct

Oct 27, 2022

–News Direct–

A typical college student has a lot on their plate. From lectures to labs, to papers due, there’s always something you need to attend to. Not to mention school activities; sports, clubs, social events and sleep! There will be times in your college career when you are going to need some assistance now and then.

Nobody wants to turn in sub-par work, so you’ll need the help of a proofreader or editor to give your work improved quality and the bit of polish that can mean the difference between merely good, and excellent.

Here are the five top-rated essay proofreading services to assist you in eliminating grammatical errors and improving the flow of your academic papers from beginning to end.

Choose The Best Essay Editing Service:

1. PaperHelp

PaperHelp is considered the premiere academic writing and editing company in the United States. It offers writing services to all levels of academia, as well as top-notch proofreading and editing services used by students from all over the world.

The company has the best reputation for quality work and fast delivery times. Most editing specialists hold advanced degrees and have extensive experience in professional essay editing.

The pricing of your project will vary depending on what level of academia you are working in. Undergrads can expect to pay about $9 per page (two-week deadline), if you're a graduate student, you will have to pay $15 for the same turnaround time.

Testimonials rave with satisfied customers who were impressed with the quality of the work and compliment the service for delivery times well within required deadlines.

PaperHelp allows you to communicate with your essay editor during the process and to clarify any issues that might come up while they are working on your college essays. You set the deadline and PaperHelp does its utmost to meet that timeline.

The site will help you edit your:

  • personal statement

  • application essay

  • dissertation

  • thesis

  • research & term paper

  • capstone project

  • literature review

  • any other document.

Experts at PaperHelp provide editing services for all levels of college papers and essays, regardless of their word count or difficulty.

2. JustDoMyEssay

JustDoMyEssay is a college essay editing service with a great reputation in the U.S. and beyond.

However, this service isn't limited to essays only. Given the good price, it is a logical choice for proofreading and editing admission essays, research papers, and dissertations, no matter the length or complexity of the work.

Pricing is comparable to other services we have researched. Having your paper edited in 14 days costs about $12 per page. If you want professional proofreading, the price is $10. JustDoMyEssay allows access to your editor and encourages collaboration in refining and polishing your paper to its very best. Includes spelling and punctuation, removing redundant content, and thorough grammar analysis.

JustDoMyEssay has a ten-day window to request revisions and offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on its work. Customers raved about the quality of the work and the depth of research that the writers had done on their papers. The service boasts that 100% of its work is delivered within prescribed deadlines. They offer a loyalty program for return customers.

JustDoMyEssay has a pool of hundreds of writers at your disposal. You can have input into the selection of your expert and contact the service 24/7 via the website online chat. The more complex your paper is, this service is what you need.

3. MyAdmissionsEssay

The name says it all. This service offers writing and editing services to all levels of academia and specializes in admissions essays, personal statements, and application essays.

Another set of eyes is always a good idea, especially if your admission essay may be one of the most important essays you will ever write.

The team behind MyAdmissionsEssays is comprised of former and current admissions officers who will edit and polish your college application to give you a better chance of getting into your chosen academic institution.

MyAdmissionsEssay is also a great choice for college students to get their complex and lengthy papers proofread and edited. They even have flexible pricing options for longer projects and offer first-time customers a discount.

Pricing is competitive, with undergraduate students paying about $8 per page for academic editing and proofreading services, and about $14 at the professional level with a two-week deadline. The editors work now only on the basic grammar and punctuation issues, spelling, etc., they also look at citations, formatting, and the overall flow of the content.

Some papers require little editing, and others will require a radical overhaul of your work for flow and ease of reading. You will be amazed at how a rearrangement of your writing can make a huge difference in the outcome.

4. SpeedyPaper

In our opinion, SpeedyPaper is the best affordable editing service for college-level proofreading assistance. Its pricing scale is based on the deadline you require. The longer the lead time that you allow, the lower the price.

SpeedyPaper is a great choice if you want your document edited by a native speaker of English. Having your undergraduate papers polished by the best editor in 24 hours costs $16 per page.

SpeedyPaper hires experts in a variety of fields and pairs the customer with an editor that has the appropriate level of academic certification to provide the knowledge and expertise needed to accomplish the task.

The customer has ample opportunity to contact and discuss the process with their helper, as well as the ability to request revisions if they are not satisfied with the results.

SpeedyPaper offers security, confidentiality, and a money-back guarantee of customer satisfaction. The management of SpeedyPaper pledges to do its utmost to guarantee that the customer is satisfied with its results, offering online customer service chat and a messaging system whereby you can contact your expert and monitor the progress of your project throughout the polishing process. Customer reviews are at 4.9 out of 5 for quality and timely delivery.

5. ExpertWriting

ExpertWriting is a service that has everything you need to improve your paper. The company will help you eliminate all grammar, stylistic, and punctuation errors, as well as provide constructive feedback on your document. It is our pick for the best quick delivery times for its services.

ExpertWriting has competitive pricing, with undergraduate students paying around $7.20-9.60 for substantive editing and $6-8 for essay proofreading done in two weeks. The price will increase for faster delivery. The website offers rush orders in case of an emergency that can be delivered in up to 3 hours.

ExpertWriting offers free revisions for customers within 10 days. They claim to only hire qualified editing specialists who have passed its rigorous testing process at all levels of academia. They will pair you with an editor who has the skill level and academic experience to fully understand the content of your work to be able to edit and proofread it successfully.

Customer reviews cite excellent quality and good communication with the service in addition to the fast turnaround times. The ability to request revisions is a big plus as well as the guarantee of security and confidentiality that ExperWriting provides. We can highly recommend this service to students at undergrad and above.

So what is the best essay editing website?

The best essay service is the one that suits your individual needs. What is most important to you? Is it quality? Quick delivery time? Confidentiality? Cost? You need to take all of these factors into account when choosing a service for professional editing help with your essay at the college level.

You also need to be assured that the expert assigned to your order is academically qualified to understand the level of content that they are working on for you. If you’re working on your bachelor’s degree, you certainly need someone who is a professional in your chosen field to review and edit your work.

In most cases, you can trust the service to provide a writer who is experienced at your level or above, and it’s also a good idea for you to choose a service that allows you to communicate with your editor throughout the process and gives you the ability to change writers should you be unsatisfied with their work.

Security and confidentiality are also concerns when choosing your essay service. You want to be absolutely sure that no one will know you chose to use their services.

How much does it cost to edit a college essay? Based on an essay written at the undergraduate college level, the average essay can be up to 5,000 words. Each page has approximately 250 words, so you’re looking at about 20 pages to be edited.

Most services combine professional editing and proofreading as a single service, but you need to be aware that some will charge each service separately. The most competitive services will charge a base rate of around 9 dollars a page. The price will increase based on the turnaround time for delivery. Two weeks seems to be a good lead time for delivery.

If you need your paper delivered more quickly, you will have to pay a higher per-page rate for your online essay editing service. You can expect to pay up to $32 per page depending on that delivery date. Some services give discounts for your first order, and others have loyalty programs and payment options for lengthy dissertations. If possible, set your deadlines well in advance and give yourself enough time for the service to complete the work without ramping up the cost. Do your research as we have. Plan ahead for better savings.

How fast can I have my essay edited? Most essay services allow you to set the timeline for delivery. The average is about two weeks. This is also their cut-off for their baseline pricing in most cases. Some services specialize in quick delivery times as stated in our above reviews. If you do have an emergency deadline to meet, some of the services can give you same-day delivery, as soon as 3-6 hours from the time you are paired with a qualified editor.

When you request quick delivery, you may also sacrifice some quality, so be wary and do your due diligence to make sure that your specialist has done a high-quality and thorough editing job on your paper. We recommend that you choose a service that gives you access to direct communication with your chosen professional so that you can monitor the process of polishing your paper.

Most services offer free revisions after the delivery date. This can be within 10 days or up to 3 weeks. Be sure you plan ahead and build that extra time into your hard deadline so that if revisions are required, you won’t be late in turning your paper in.

When do students require essay editing services the most?

  • You need to submit an essay as a part of the application process

Most academic programs require an essay as part of the application process. When you want to be sure that you are submitting the highest quality work, edited and proofread, you may need to engage one of the services mentioned above, thus increasing your chances of being accepted.

Show your best work, polished and edited for mistakes and flow. By using a professional editor, you can submit an essay that shows mastery of the language and a degree of professionalism in the quality of the content submitted.

  • You are applying for a scholarship

Show the scholarship committee how richly you deserve to be a part of their program by submitting a high-quality essay as part of the application. There will be many other deserving students in the running, and having a polished and impressive essay might just give you the slight edge you need to be accepted.

It’s not enough simply to tell your story nowadays. You will also need to make a positive impact on the people who review your application. Let yours stand out. Include an essay that is original, mistake and plagiarism-free as well as edited for flow and content.

  • You are required to submit an essay for any reason

As you work towards your degree life can get complicated. It doesn’t matter if you’re a full or part-time student, you no doubt have a busy life. Time constraints can catch you off-guard. That’s where the services of an essay writing service can save your grade! If you only have time for research and an outline, or a simple rough draft, don’t despair. A qualified editor and proofreader from the essay service can take that, and with some direction from you, turn it into a polished and complete essay that is unique and will earn you a decent grade

Who will be editing my college essay for me?

Each service employs a pool of writers and editors. Some services let you choose your editor based on academic qualifications and samples submitted, and others will pair you with who they deem to be the most qualified person for the content.

Both native speakers and ESL are available. The customer usually has access to the process and can request revisions if the result is not satisfactory.

Most services employ independent contractors at all levels of academia. Some services have online profiles on the website to allow you to browse the available essay editors and request someone specific.

Some websites offer the customer the ability to interview the editing specialist of their choice to assure that they understand the content and are qualified to edit the essay or paper.

The services offer customer support throughout the editing process, and access to communicate with your helper either via website online chat or messaging via email or text. If you are dissatisfied, you can request revisions or request another editor be assigned to your order. The website will do its utmost to provide a satisfactory result, because if they do not, you may invoke its customer satisfaction refund guarantee.

What is the difference between editing and proofreading?

Editing and proofreading are quite often linked and charged together, however, they are two entirely different processes. Pay attention, because some writing services offer them separately and charge per page for each service. This can significantly increase the cost of having your paper edited. It’s good to ask about this when you are placing your order with the service.

Editing encompasses the entire paper as a whole, looking for not only errors in the content, but working out the best flow for the information, readability, and checking for cross-referencing and citations.

A good editor removes redundancies, suggests embellishments or clarifications, and may rearrange the content for flow and ease of reading. Many writers will get their essay back from the editing professional and find it unrecognizable, but a much better result than what they first submitted.

Proofreading is usually considered as a spelling and punctuation review, and a grammar and usage check. Proofreaders will correct usage errors and go through the content with an eye for any small mistakes that may have been missed. As a part of the usual proofreading service, the proofreader usually runs a plagiarism test on the document to ensure an original and unique result.

What are the traits of a good content editor?

To help you decide which professional to choose for your college-level essay, let’s look at the traits of a good content editor. Of course, you will want an academic, that sort of goes without saying, but at what level?

Depending on whether you are an undergrad, bachelor’s degree in process, or Ph.D. student working on your dissertation, you will need a expert who is well-versed in the content that is the subject of your paper, and certified at least at your level or higher.

This will ensure that you can easily communicate with your helper and feel confident that they have at least a basic understanding of the information included in your paper.

A good content editor is going to look at everything about your paper from the quality of information and the way it’s presented, to the references and citations. Good editors understand that the flow of information and the way it is presented is just as important as the information itself.

Readability, redundancies, and usage are all taken into consideration when the editing expert is reviewing your paper. Don’t be surprised to see your paper vastly changed when you get it back. Content will likely have been rearranged and reordered to improve the flow and readability.

A good content editor is communicative and collaborative. They are going to make themselves available to you to apprise you of the status and progress of the editing project. They will answer questions and ask them as well. If you have a complex paper that is being edited, we recommend that you stay in contact with your editor and collaborate with them throughout the process.

Most services offer free revisions after the fact, but avoid that if you can by communicating often with your editor.

You never know when a writing service may be needed, so it’s important to do your research and select one that can meet your needs and improve your submissions. Choosing the right service can make all the difference to your grade.

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Timothy Whitaker

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--News Direct--A typical college student has a lot on their plate. From lectures to labs, to papers due, there’s always something you need to attend…

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--News Direct--A typical college student has a lot on their plate. From lectures to labs, to papers due, there’s always something you need to attend…

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--News Direct--A typical college student has a lot on their plate. From lectures to labs, to papers due, there’s always something you need to attend…

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