7 Unexpected Expenses to Consider When Having a Child


Jul 11, 2022

Expecting a new child is an exciting time for any new parent. But alongside the new roles and responsibilities that come with it, you’ll also want to be prepared for your financial situation to change.

According to some experts, the first year of having a baby will cost you thousands of dollars, and add that to all the items you’ll need to purchase before the baby arrives.

In this post, we’ll cover 7 unexpected expenses to consider when expecting a new child.

1. Maternity Clothes

As her pregnancy progresses, an expectant mother may need new clothes to ensure her comfort and mobility.

Plan from the second trimester onward to have several different maternity outfits. If you’d like to save some money, ask to borrow them from friends or family who were recently pregnant.

2. Baby Furniture

While most parents know that their newborns are going to need a crib, they may not be prepared for all the other accessories that will go in their room like a dresser, changing table, decorations or a bassinet.

A good way to find these items for less money is to start checking out garage sales. Parents with children who have grown out of their baby things will be happy to sell these items to you at a fair price.

3. Baby Clothes

Mom isn’t the only person who will need new clothes. After your baby is born, it will almost seem as if they outgrow every outfit the second after you bought it.

Be strategic by picking up clothes that are one season ahead while they are currently on clearance.

4. Medical Expenses

Babies and even small children require several visits to the doctor. Sometimes these can even be unexpected (and expensive) trips to the emergency room.

If possible, consider adjusting your health insurance deductible so that you won’t have to pay so much out of pocket.

5. Utility Bills

Between washing baby bottles, doing laundry and giving baths, new parents have a lot of chores, which can increase your utility bills in the form of extra gas, electricity and hot water.

While you can’t change how much the utility companies charge, you can be mindful of your usage. Simple things like using cold water when possible or setting a programmable thermostat will help to offset this expense.

6. Life Insurance

Once you have a family, one of the best ways to protect them financially is to purchase life insurance. This usually comes down to selecting one of two different types of policies: term or whole life.

Because term is cheaper than whole life, some new parents may wonder what the differences are between them. Is whole life insurance worth it? This will depend on your long-term goals and what you intend to do with the policy.

A term policy will just provide sufficient coverage for a specific amount of time. But a whole policy can grow in value while also providing protection. Couples should consider both options and choose the product that’s best for their budget and needs.

7. College

Even though you may have just had your baby, it’s not too early to be thinking about how you’ll eventually pay for their college.

The good news is that the earlier you start, the easier it will be to save. Consider signing up for a 529 college savings plan and let your contributions grow over the years while your child matures into a young adult.


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