Fresh eBook on Lawyers’ Work and Productivity in the ‘New Normal’

Legal Newswire

Sep 30, 2021

The C-19 has shown us that all professionals need to adapt to the ‘new normal’ and stay effective even working from home. For legal professionals, this move online is even more significant, as they are often quite conservative. Legal portal Lawrina prepared a free detailed 80+ pages guide to remote work for lawyers in cooperation with experts, who are ‘voices’ of innovation. 


What is inside the eBook?

1) How to improve communication and career development 

The last 2 years have changed many things in our lives, with the way we work being one of the greatest changes. Many professionals moved their entire workflow to remote and virtual workplaces, while some combined remote work with meetings in the office. In this eBook you can find how new working conditions affect professional development and communication within the companies and between entrepreneurs, specifically those working in the legal field.

Get all the information you need as a legal professional on how to move work remotely while staying motivated, keeping healthy communication between colleagues, acquiring new skills, and developing professionally.

“Remote work influences career growth by giving us the ability to reflect. When we think of career growth, we often think of the career we are currently embarking on but working remotely creates the space for one to ask, is this the right career for me?” – Emily Witt, Career Coach & Legal Recruiter at Whistler Partners

“It is more important to understand how to choose appropriate communication tools and which principles to take into account than to simply provide samples of tools.” – Susan Andrews, Founder & Principal at Andrews Dispute Resolution


2) How to save and even increase personal productivity 

Productivity is a sensitive topic that is very personal to each professional. There is no exact method to increase productivity that would suit all, but there are plenty of techniques and, lately, technological advances, that create a possibility for choice in strategies. In this eBook are gathered not only the popular techniques that can be helpful to people with different temperaments and preferences, but also advice that suits people working in law. All of the topics that are covered in the eBook are backed up with quotes from legal tech pros, their recommendations, and opinions.

“You need to consider future interoperability for the legal tech you implement. A legal department may be short-sighted if they bring in a technology that solves one issue but may ignore how it fits and communicates with tools they already have. Automating how tools speak to each other through API’s or other means can be very effective and efficient across fragmented departments and systems.” – Rian Kennedy, Legal Technology Evangelist


3) What are other views on typical legal processes

In the final chapter of the eBook, you will take a look at how the latest changes in overall work conditions have influenced typical processes in the workplace. Lawrina’s team examined the possibility of implementing a flat structure in legal firms and the idea of holacracy in the workplace. They also checked with the experts on how they are creating transparency in communication with clients and whether pricing lawyers’ help for hours is still a modern way to work with people.

“Client-oriented lawyering is about solving client problems and offering solutions for problems that they can’t foresee, not just offering what the legal service provider has done for other clients.” – Lucy Bassil, Legal Operations Consultant and Legal Innovation Advisor

Who are the authors?

To create the most reputable content for its readers, Lawrina attracted the support of 20+ innovative legal professionals. Many legal and professional influencers contributed to the creation of the eBook including Colin Levy, Susan Andrews, Larry Bridgesmith, Jim Chiang, Emily Witt, Navin Mahavijiyan, Rian Kennedy, Memme Onwudiwe, Lucy Bassli, Flo Nicolas, Kory Kelly, and others. Lawrina team put a big effort into this eBook to become the best aid for legal practitioners finding their way to work effectively. 

Where to find the eBook?

Lawrina advocates for free access to legal knowledge and this eBook is not an exception. Everybody interested in making their work more productive in changing working conditions can download the eBook and apply useful tips into their practice.




Lawrina is a legal portal that provides free access to law and builds a community around lawyers. 

Lawrina’s mission is to improve legal practices in the changing world. This mission influences how the portal approaches its content and what it believes is important to present. 

Innovation in the sphere of law is not only about technology. It is also about the experience, practices, and communication lawyers should adhere to when cooperating with clients. It is about legal systems designed for both end-users and legal practitioners, changing the Experience of Law itself.


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