Best Background Check Tools For Free and Private Record Search Online.


Sep 23, 2021

For the most part, people aren’t aware of all the resources available to them to do a background check. Background checks can be used in everyday situations to help safeguard ourselves and our loved ones. Background checks can be used to look up a person before going on a date or take a closer look at a potential business partner. But to do a background check right, the right resources and steps need to be taken.

To ensure you have all your bases covered, understand that people move around now more than ever, which means they can have records in multiple states or counties. Doing a local background check just isn’t enough anymore. So it’s a good idea to start with an all-in-one nationwide database.


How Do Nationwide Background Checks Work And Are They Free?

Nationwide background check databases are put together by collecting public record information from all states and counties where available. Private companies do this; the government doesn’t offer a system like this to the public. In most cases, also included in these databases are things like cell phone numbers and current and old addresses. Keep in mind these databases aren’t free but are a great tool to start a background check.

Private national databases are practically instant. So with just a name, anyone can pull up all kinds of information with a search. A local search can be used for an even deeper analysis using any hits found using a nationwide check. Visit to start an instant background check online.


nationwide background check


Background Checks At The State Level.

In most cases, a statewide background check can be done through the state police. A statewide background check typically focuses on criminal records with a conviction.

The state will get criminal court information submitted to them by county courts, so these databases aren’t always up to date and might not show complete details. Nonetheless, it’s an excellent resource for anyone looking to do a statewide criminal check on someone.

To locate state criminal background check resources, see

state resouces for background checks

Looking Up Court Records and Public Records At The County Level.

For the most up-to-date and detailed criminal records, the county and city courts are where it’s at. Most public records used in background checking originate at the local court level and will be downloaded and used in large state and nationwide databases. This means both statewide and nationwide databases can be behind or missing information.

For the best results, it’s best to check all the location hits gathered from the nationwide check, current and old residences, job locations, and areas where they might have attended a school. Find local court databases at


Federal Court Records.

Most people will not see a federal criminal court. Nonetheless, this is yet another system to check when it comes to background checks. Federal courts process cases like bankruptcies, white-collar offenses, cross-state situations, kidnapping, bank robberies, etc. There are 94 federal district courts, and these databases can also be checked for the best background check possible.


Is There Really a Free Background Check?

This question gets asked a lot, and the answer can go either way, depending on what the person is willing to do. For anyone looking for an all-in-one system to do everything for them, the answer is no. This is because good large databases take lots of resources to maintain and involve lots of people. So the cost is pretty high, and it simply can’t be done for free.

But for anyone with a bit of time and those whose willing to sit down and do a little research, the answer is yes, public records are a great resource and can be used by the public for free without needing a credit card. These are the same records used by background check companies but have to be accessed using different databases in multiple locations instead of a single search system.


Must Check Public Records For Free Background Checks Online.

Court Records Civil and Criminal.

Court records are official records that contain essential and often delicate details. There are different types of court records, mainly civil and criminal. For example, a civil case court record might be a situation involving two people and involves assets, children, as well as breaches of constitutional legal rights. An instance of a criminal case will undoubtedly include at least one government agency and one person or business organization.


Jail and Prison Inmate Check (Incarceration Records)

Inmate records are reports created after the admission of a guilty criminal to the correctional system. Inmate information in the USA is generally kept by penal establishments, jails, prisons, and frequently with the law enforcement bureau, which runs the detention center.


Real Estate Records

Real estate records are legal documents that incorporate essential details about real estate or a parcel of land. Typically, the phrase property records mean the deed for the land, which is a document that purports who’s got existing lawful control of the property.


Recorder’s Office Records

The recorder’s office holds the most extensive catalog of property information inside a county and stores more than 100 various kinds of documents.


Business Lookup

Business records are reports of activities or occurrences submitted or documented with a government institution for tax and other reasons. This information is made accessible to the public.


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