Priya® Fertility Monitor Announces Partnership with Award-Winning Research Psychologist and Professor, Sarah Hill, PhD, to Provide an Educational Series on Fertility

Press Releases

Sep 01, 2021

BOULDER, Colo., Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Prima-Temp, developer and manufacturer of the Priya® Personal Fertility Monitor, is announcing their newest partnership with Dr. Sarah Hill, award-winning Research Psychologist and Professor at Texas Christian University (TCU). This partnership’s initiative is meant to educate women looking to take control of their fertility health and maximize their chances of getting pregnant.

As a psychologist advancing the science of women’s health, Dr. Hill dedicates her career to conducting research to understand the role that hormones, the immune system, and the environment play in relationship-and health- behaviors in women. The educational content that makes up this series includes conversations about surprising factors that impact fertility and an introduction to female hormones and the ovulatory cycle.

The Priya Personal Fertility Monitor is an intravaginal temperature sensor that measures continuous core body temperature every six minutes. Women have access to the data recorded on an app that uses a proprietary algorithm driven by machine learning to analyze the unique patterns in temperature that identify the fertile window and sends the user a notification of her fertile window each cycle.

“The Priya Fertility Monitor gives me another opportunity to further my research of understanding hormones and the female body overall,” said Dr. Hill. “Working with Prima-Temp and advocating for women who struggle with fertility allows us to provide more answers and give women the chance to feel empowered by letting them know what is happening with their bodies in real-time.”

With Prima-Temp’s mission to support women who want to take ownership of their reproductive health, the company plans to partner with additional fertility and women’s health experts.

Women can view Dr. Hill’s content by visiting To learn more about The Priya Personal Fertility Monitor, visit

About Prima-Temp
Prima-Temp applies health-trained artificial intelligence (AI) to continuous core body temperature to identify predictive patterns in physiologies that empower women with personal knowledge to make better healthcare decisions.

Our solutions include the Priya® Personal Fertility Monitor and Kindara®. Priya delivers a unique, precise, and high-convenience fertility management experience for ovulation prediction and clinical diagnostic support. Kindara is an award-winning health engagement platform, data interface, and robust community that has been used by more than 1.6 million women worldwide. For more information about our solutions, visit For more information about Prima-Temp, visit

Media Contact

Ally Bertik, Marketing Maven, 310-994-7381,




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