Primary care providers looking at new technology to disinfect offices


Aug 27, 2021

CHARLESTON, S.C. – According to the National Center for Health Statistics, or NCHS, the CDC reported in 2016 that infants under the age of 1 years old had the highest rate of primary care physician visitation rates, with the number being approximately 736 visits per 100 infants. The first 18 months of life for an infant are the most dangerous, as this is when they’re the least resistant to most infectious diseases that we do have vaccinations for, such as Influenza, Measles, Hepatitis A, and more according to the recommended CDC immunization schedule. Given that it takes up to 15 months for infants to get some of their recommended vaccinations, new technology has appeared that allows parents to feel more comfortable bringing their children to the doctors, allowing them to be worry-free of any possible viruses or bacteria that could be lingering there.

Paerosol’s MAG, or micro-aerosol generator is a patented disinfecting platform that kills up to 99.9999% of viruses, bacteria and mold1. The patented technology uses Paerolyte’s liquid disinfectant and turns it into a dry spray, allowing for an even distribution of disinfectant throughout the doctor’s office. The dry spray can disinfect both airborne and surface-borne viruses bacteria, so whether it’s the waiting room carpeting or the counter top in the examination room, Paerolyte’s liquid disinfectant in conjunction with Paerosol’s micro-aerosol generator will keep everyone safe and healthy. The non-toxic and organic disinfectant is safe to be near, so both parents and infants will have nothing to worry about when being in the doctor’s office following a dry spray session.

“Our micro-aerosol generator works flawlessly with Paerolyte’s hospital-grade liquid disinfectant. With it turning into a dry spray, it’ll get into all corners of the doctor’s office. Years of research and development have shown just how effective and protective it can be to everyone.”

  • Steve Gareleck, CEO of Paerosol LLC

About Paerosol – Paerosol is a platform which kills air and surface-borne mold, bacteria, and viruses at up to a 99.9999% rate of effectiveness. The Paerosol technology originated in the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (“PNNL”) which is managed and operated by Battelle Memorial Institute. As part of the Federal Lab Commission’s (“FLC”) efforts to commercialize federally owned technology within the private sector, Paerosol LLC (founded by Steve Gareleck, CEO and Scott Alderson, President) obtained the exclusive licensing rights to this disinfecting technology directly from Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Paerosol’s proprietary Dry Spray technology allows for Paerolyte’s liquid disinfectant to get into all corners and crevices of any space it’s placed in. Paerosol has been successfully tested by US & Foreign Government Agencies. The United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency successfully tested Paerosol against bio-agents including simulates of Anthrax and Ebola, common civilian and hospitals pathogens such as E Coli and Salmonella, antibiotic-resistant microbes, and viruses including H1N1 (swine flu), H5N1 (bird flu), MRSA, and the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19)2.

  1., Pages 12 – 15
  2. National Research Council. 2013. The Unique U.S.-Russian Relationship in Biological Science and Biotechnology: Recent Experience and Future Directions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 153.

Contact Information:
(843) 535 – 0500


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