Vuuzle.TV is a pleasant surprise again! Watch HERE movies about the most beautiful countries in the world


Jun 23, 2021

In almost every corner of the planet, there are beautiful and unusual natural places where people live, strange animals, grow rare flowers and trees. We offer to get to know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other nations together with the streaming platform  Vuuzle.TV.

Vuuzle.TV will help you choose a country to travel or introduce you to interesting unknown facts and traditions of different peoples of the world. 

You’ve probably heard many times how travel changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And Vuuzle.TV gives you the opportunity to see other countries and continents, modern cities and ruins of ancient cities, as well as enjoy the picturesque places. Agree, it is always interesting to discover something new, see a different way of life, meet different people, try different foods, listen to different musical rhythms and take a lot of photos.

So, we offer you a selection of the best documentaries about different countries in the world! Believe me, everyone will find interesting content.

Movies are available ONLINE and FREE on the Vuuzle.TV streaming platform, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And this without a monthly subscription and mandatory registration. Just download the app on your iOS or Android device, and you can watch it on the web version of Vuuzle.TV.

Download VuuzleTV on IOS, Android, Roku, or online at See tons of channels and thousands of movies all free! Vuuzle is a premium streaming service that offers live video content. Such as hit television shows, news, sports, and feature-length movies.


What is this movie about?

Katsuo Sasaki grows rice in Miyagi Province where the crop has a strong reputation. And yet, he is becoming impoverished since never before seen insects have started to attack his crops. Katsuo wonders what Nature can endure… And for how much longer…

Katsuo Sasaki, 70, has always lived among soil and water. In Miyagi Province, located in the Northwest of the archipelago, he grows rice which was once sacred according to ancestral beliefs. While the crop retains a strong reputation, primarily for its purity, its quality has deteriorated.

Katsuo is the contemplative type: he has seen his soil change and wants to testify. Because he is also a man of action, he fights to promote biological agriculture within a local organization (Environment and Daily Life Network). The goal is to convince less scrupulous farmers to change their attitude and use more environment-friendly techniques.

Debates in the organization essentially deal with the best way to fight global warming. The studies don’t lie: in the past century, water and ground temperatures have increased twice as fast in Japan than anywhere else in the world.

Katsuo is convinced that responsible farming is the way to go. A risky gamble! Katsuo’s rice does not boast the aesthetic criteria that Japanese gourmet chefs are used to. Moreover, the damages caused by insects force him to sell his crop under market value. Katsuo has three children. The oldest will one day take over the farm. What will he really inherit?

Watch ONLINE and FREE “Japan: Land Of The Burning Sun” on Vuuzle.TV!


What is this movie about?

A courageous and spirited Inuit woman, Ulaayu Pilurtuut lives in the heart of the Canadian Great North, where she teaches Inuktut, the language of her people. The melting of the ice shelf, caused by global warming, threatens the existence of hunting, the traditional activity of communities in the region. Ulaayu wants to help the local youth invent a new future without losing touch with their roots and their identity.

Ulaayu Pilurtuut has a deep attachment to the land of her forbears, Nunavik, a region located in the far north of Quebec, and whose name means “between ice water.” She lives there among a population of 10,000 Inuit spread across 14 village communities.

Also, she is educated and is the historian of her people, whose language she teaches. She is also familiar with Anglo-Saxon culture. She takes us out with the hardy traditional hunters. For how much longer can they survive? How will they invent words to describe all these phenomena until now unknown to their people; storms, thunder, lightning, and previously unseen insects such as flies?

Ulaayu Pilurtuut is aware that the ancestral practice of hunting on which the Inuit depend is doomed. Global warming is a phenomenon in which this ethnic group the first to notice and to sound the alarm. It weakens the glacial crust, and each day drives a few more hunters into extinction, however brave and skillful they are. Animal species, both marine and land-borne, are becoming endangered, new insects are appearing, the fish catch no longer dries, the houses are sinking the land warms up and softens.

Ulaayu strives to invent ways of adapting, taking the best of the two cultures which she has fully assimilated. The challenge she faces is to invent a new future an entire generation, without uprooting them culturally. She knows that in the traditions and culture of the Inuit people can be found the resources to adapt. Dogs can once again be used instead of the Skidoos that replaced them. Capable of detecting danger on the weakened ice, the dogs offer an advantage over machines. The urgency here is essential. The deterioration of climatic conditions has been continually gathering pace over the past five years.

And Ulaayu, with her beautiful though slightly sad smile, delivers us a message of wisdom: I know your civilization and I respect it understand us and respect us.”

Watch ONLINE and FREE “Canada: The Disappearing Ice Shelf” on Vuuzle.TV!


What is this movie about?

Claudio will travel to one of the most famous islands in all of Indonesia, which is visited by tourists from all over the world, who arrive attracted by its turquoise waters and white sand beaches, added by a jungle vegetation, which It hides the most amazing Hindu temples, the Island of Bali, better known as the jewel of Indonesia.

Watch ONLINE and FREE “BALI” on Vuuzle.TV!


What is this movie about?

Colleen Gregory (truck farmer, beekeeper, and sheep breeder) lives in the San Juan Islands, off Seattle. Fed up with the city and its ongoing activity, she moved in this paradisaical spot – a sight for sore eyes! – 20 years ago to find Nature. A childhood dream come true! But, today, the dream is fading away… Drought, humidity, frost, snowstorm… Due to an ever-changing climate, harvest is poor. San Juan used to attract numerous tourists who came to contemplate the killer whales just off the coast.

Today, the whales are deserting the site. And so are the tourists (Colleen’s clientèle). The reason… Global warming! The killer whales feed on salmon brought by the continent’s rivers. But, due to the glaciers melting and the decrease in snow cover in the North of Washington State, there is less freshwater and therefore less salmon. Certain forests may also disappear.

The icing on the cake: Because of the rise in sea level, experts predict that in the year 2050, the state’s capital, Olympia, will be flooded…permanently!

Through Colleen’s daily life, we will analyze the chain of events and the environmental problems that have plagued the American Northwest. In effect, the region, a real case study, suffers from all the problems caused by or linked to global warming. Today, an entire state is in danger. Not just any state… since it belongs to the country that pollutes the most on this planet.

We will show that nobody is safe from global warming. Not even the rich or those who believe they are secure in their ivory towers. The small San Juan Islands are the victims of the bigger continent. Yet again, the little people show the way. For instance, Coleen’s husband, Bruce, raises public awareness in the San Juan Islands on issues such as the preservation of the environment or sustainable agriculture. In fact, in terms of legislation and individual discipline, the archipelago is already quite advanced. It must be stated that the site is a unique gem due especially to its prolific biodiversity and ecosystem. It must be protected at all costs.

The Gregory family represents an entire generation of Americans that has chosen to adopt an alternative way of life instead of the traditional American one, based on profit and overconsumption. With all due respect to the future ex-president of the United States, there are some Americans that consider their way of life …. negotiable. The ones that have seen the Earth change.



What is this movie about

Abid’allah Quanwati, a fisherman, and Tarek Al-Cheikh, a farmer, are childhood friends. They live in Rosetta, which is located in the mouth of the Nile Delta. Both have seen their income decrease year after year. Fish are scarce and plants are dying. As the sea gains territory, silt disappears, and salinity in the water and soil increases. Of course, the Assouan dam bears its share of responsibility for the now ever-present pollution in the region. About a third of the country’s population is to be eventually affected, though farmers and fishermen are the first and main victims.

Abid’allah Quanwati lives in Rosetta, located in the mouth of the Nile Delta. In 30 years as a fisherman, he has seen fish become rare, his income reduced to a mere fifth. His family attempts to adjust… His son has given fish breeding a try but this activity doesn’t fair so well either. A bit farther, on the lands of his friend Tarek Al-Cheikh, only the date palm tree resists the soil’s excessive salinity. He thus specialized in this type of crop. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one and date overproduction is already becoming a problem. Should he move to the desert as other farmers have lately?

Though the Nile Delta constitutes only 2.5% of the Egyptian territory, more than a third of the population (approximately 28 million people) live there. Most of the country’s activity (cotton plantations, palm groves, lagoons for fishing) is concentrated in this area where population density is one of the highest of the planet. However, the Mediterranean Sea should rise up to 30 centimeters by the end of the century. Severe flooding or, at the very least, excessive salivation, which would be catastrophic for the region’s fauna and flora, seem inevitable…

Farmers and fishermen are now developing their own ways to circumvent these problems. What are their chances? What consequences for the environment?



Author: Ivanna Samotei // Vuuzle Media Corp Chief Content Writer & Public Relations Specialist

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