Netradyne Introduces New DriverStar Feature to Recognize and Reward Safe Driving

Press Releases

Oct 19, 2017

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Netradyne, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT systems, has announced plans to launch DriverStar. The new feature, available through NetraDyne’s Driveri™ platform, alerts fleet safety managers of great driving decisions made by their commercial drivers immediately. This gives safety managers the power to recognize and reward extraordinary driving behaviors exhibited by their truck drivers.


DriverStar is an extended feature to GreenZone™, which already tracks driving behavior throughout the day in the Driveri™ system—constantly analyzing and assessing performance (e.g. compliant driving, traffic light compliance, following distance, stopping at stop signs, etc.) Through AI-enhanced capabilities, the new feature provides a much deeper view into positive driving behavior, analyzing data and alerting safety managers when a driver reacted safely to a challenging situation—reducing the risk of a crash or collision. This new feature provides drivers the opportunity to improve their GreenZone™ score based on the recognized driving events.

“The commitment we made when we designed Driveri™ was to recognize good driving and arm fleets with the ability to award their drivers for excellence,” said Adam Kahn, Vice President of Fleet Business, Netradyne. “Legacy safety technologies have largely underserved professional drivers and many good decisions they make on the road go unnoticed by safety managers because they don’t have the data available to reward good driving. Our new DriverStar feature gives safety managers the tools needed to reach out to drivers with positive recognition and creates more balance in fleet driver monitoring, which drives productivity.”

NetraDyne’s flagship product Driveri™ is a vision-based safety platform for commercial vehicles, which captures and analyzes every minute of every driving day. The platform uses a Quad-HD camera to provide multiple views of the road, a TeraFLOP processor capable of one trillion calculations per second, and artificial intelligence that analyzes driver behavior and relays data to fleet managers immediately.

The catalog of DriverStar events continues to expand, including positive reactive and proactive maneuvers.  Contact Netradyne to learn more and collaborate on the next DriverStar event.  For more information, visit

About Netradyne, Inc.

Founded in 2015, Netradyne has technology innovation centers in both San Diego, CA and Bangalore, India where teams are hyper-focused on launching a driver safety platform for Commercial Vehicles. Grounded in the vision of applying Artificial Intelligence for improving fleet safety, Netradyne delivers a holistic view of the driving environment to fleet owners while serving as their driver’s advocate. For more information about Driveri™ or to inquire about commercial vehicle safety tools, please visit


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SOURCE Netradyne, Inc.


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