Syntec Optics Solves Pioneering Challenge to Achieve 10x Growth

Press Releases

Aug 31, 2017

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Aug. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The pioneering challenge is that it is hard to build an organization that can do both: incrementally innovate existing offerings you have now, and pioneer transformational offerings for the future. The more extreme the difference between those two creativities, the more difficult it is and you can even fail.

The Syntec Optics team has overcome the pioneering challenge. With help from its founder Al Kapoor, Syntec Optics pioneered transformational products in the defense and medical fields and now continues to provide incremental innovation to these products. Syntec Optics has built on their success and is pioneering products again for newly emerging transformational fields of the future like driverless cars, 3D printing, virtual reality, DNA editing, smart sensors, artificial intelligence and much more.

“Al has provided a renaissance framework that allows us to see the opposing demands more clearly. The framework is uniquely grounded in the fundamentals of social change, psychology, and neuroscience. It provides the ability to generate high growth,” said Syntec President Steven Polvinen.

For everyone to benefit from this framework, Al Kapoor has launched a new beta website to follow trends and resources in fields that are headed to exponentially changing our lives. He is also releasing a new book The Pioneering Challenge. The book will be available for sale across the US in early 2018.

Catherine Whitney, who wrote the recent national bestseller with Fox News anchor Bret Baier titled Three Days in January, is developing the manuscript with Al for The Pioneering Challenge.  Whitney said, “Al provides a new framework for everyone to understand change in society and how different human traits can be cultivated to advantageously position yourself for incremental and transformational change. The new concept of Pioneering Quotient or PQ to measure our ability to pioneer is intriguing.”

Every five to ten years an exceptional way of seeing reality emerges. “If you enjoyed the classic reads The Innovator’s Dilemma written by Harvard Business School professor Clay Christensen in 1997, Good to Great by Jim Collins in 2001, and Outliers written by New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell in 2008, you must read The Pioneering Challenge,” said Patrick Sweeney Internet entrepreneur, Olympic athlete, and Adventure film-producer.

Syntec Optics has grown to become a top ten US optics manufacturer and supplier. To learn more, sign up at or call Sara Hart at Syntec Optics at (585) 464-9336, x101.

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